Carbon Free Dining - Blog

THIS is how I became a successful blogger

Written by Vivek | Feb 17, 2020 9:42:05 AM

There are many challenges that I experience as a writer. Here are 5 of the challenges I face regularly!


Finding time
Sometimes there is never enough time in the day! That would be my first big challenge. How do I fit in the time to actually do my writing? With the advent of the laptop (my goto writing tool), tablets and phones as well as the pen and paper, there are many different ways of actually getting the written word down.

Choosing a topic
I always set aside time to spend researching and writing my articles. Selecting a topic can be a challenge. I would always tend to write about things directly related to me, especially if I have had personal experience with it. An example would be hospitality professionals never sleep. I can remember in the days of running our Indian family restaurant the chef would have asked me to order chickens on his way out and next morning chickens did not arrive as I forgot - I still get flashbacks and cold sweats!! This illustrates that communication and systems are crucial, and that really we never switch off!

Deciding where to publish
Where to publish can also be a quandary. With the advent of the internet and especially social media (an umbrella term for all online digital mediums, i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) it has become a lot easier to publish work. There are no double spaced paper copies to be submitted physically to an editor rather all is done quickly, efficiently and with more accuracy with the computer; therefore ensuring work is submitted speedily.

Choosing when to publish
When to publish is also an important challenge. Should I post something on a daily, bi or tri-weekly, weekly or monthly basis? These all depend on your own personal commitments, schedules, contractual obligations. I would usually publish work at least weekly and sometimes more so depending on what is happening.

Listening to feedback
The most important step, for me, is auditing my work. I listen to comments from my readers, other professionals, and my wife!! I constantly strive to improve my writing style and content. It's a very dynamic process and a challenging one.