Carbon Free Dining - Blog

Too Many Cooks In The Kitchen - Calanit Peretz

Written by Calanit Peretz | Sep 11, 2018 3:03:21 PM


Well... You start your first role in a restaurant/hotel, you meet your manager and the first impression is you are not sure...

I was in that situation at the start of my career...

If I knew that every person has a different management style and that each of us has our own individual way of learning it would have made the start of my career smoother. However who said that learning the hard way is wrong? 

Trust me when I tell you that it is easy to work under a great manager which is great however when you work under a manager that you are having a hard time with you actually learn as well as how to do things and: What not to do and how not to behave with your teams.

All in all, what I am trying to impart to you all is learn from every manager you encounter good bad and indifferent.

Until next time.