For me, people mostly choose the hospitality industry, when they can't find something else or haven't decided what they would like to do with their lives.
Then you get the group of people that enjoy customer service, enjoy creating and giving the clients or guests an experience, that in return provides recognition and makes you feel that you have done what needs to be done and make people happy.
I believe people should look to the industry as a career and not just a job. Yes, it's hard, yes you work long hours and sacrifice a lot, yes hard work in the industry doesn't always pay - but it puts food on the table.
Every person has their own perspective of the industry. The people that chose to make a career in this industry gives their all every day, and they are rewarded with progress, experience and success. Remember - Rome wasn't built in a day!
It is your own choice what they want to do in this industry; if you see the industry as a place that you can get a job or a place where you are not sure what you want to do with your life, it's also fine.