Hospitality is based on the way of living, sharing life process among the community from different aspects, such as:
• Health care
• Implementing and providing food & beverage
• Shelter
• Social treatment and behavior
• Entertainment Then over the years, 'etiquette' was created to encourage or inspire the community to develop their living manners. This has become a multibillion-dollar international industry offering exciting career opportunities in hotels, restaurants, and bars, country clubs, cruise ships, and more. Hospitality management is a challenging, all-encompassing profession that requires charisma, skill, drive, and a cool head under pressure by stocking your tool belt and learning to juggle the demands customers first then coworkers and Owners.
#1: Educate yourself on how to walk before you run
Hospitality managers are jacks of all trades — driven, hard-working, and eager to learn and grow, such as you must have built-in desire to help people. You may also want to attend relevant training courses.
#2: Be a good listener stay observant Reap the knowledge of the industry's veterans. At the beginning of your career path, be a good listener and observant - not a great talker or ignorant. Expand your Hospitality social proficiency friends and even your superiors.
#3: Don't wait to be seated
To become a success in your industry, keep innovating. Get organized; keep a detailed calendar and to-do lists. Work efficiently at every task. Aim to impress. Keep Reading and learning hospitality new, updated methods. Be creative, remember to work and lean first for yourself then for the industry itself.

#4: The moon can't be lightning alone
Failure is the beginning of wining and getting experience, knowledge. Don't be worried about silly mistakes that can often be ascribed to miscommunication. You need to understand that there is no stupid question, but there can be silly answers. Follow directions, give instructions, address concerns, and explain procedures with confidence. Communication the key to success
#5: Coworkers your base of growth
You cannot do your job if you are constantly cleaning up the messes of others, be sure to help others and support your coworkers to become well-educated about the hospitality industry or your operational work tips. In essence, this is not a weakness point. Be honest, dedicated. Have the ownership to fix problems, problems or complaints!
#6: Respect to be respectedYou are competing for a well-established company, hotel, restaurant etc. So when you reach or find it, you need to build shared respect by obtaining good attitude for their respected rules & regulations such as:
• Learn and implement the company job description
• Follow the points at your contract
• Respect the institution manners
Note: Don't expect recognition if you are implementing all the above points, because if you are aiming for rewards, self-development or positioning promoting, you need to exceed their expectations.
#7: Treat others the way you want to be treated
Praise individual costumer or employee immediately, sincerely, and publicly. Recognize your costumers, coworkers and superior needed issues, acknowledge the completion of undesirable tasks.
#8: Stay calm under pressureRemember, the diamond made and claimed the precious name and price by many years of underground pressure. So must keep in mind always the life or work pressure made to shine your personality or settle down your experience for the long term.
#9: Know your competition
Keep your establishment on the cutting edge by visiting restaurants, hotels, and other businesses that appeal to your same client base. Network with managers and professionals in complementary industries, such as catering and event planning. Develop these relationships and look for opportunities to make mutually beneficial business deals.

#10: Work to improve the business
Your job is not simply to manage the day-to-day operations; it is also to help realize company growth, whether that means expansion of services or greater efficiency. Regularly examine procedures and systems. Get input from employees. Aim to get things right the first time and perpetuate good practices. Be proactive in reputation management, offering incentives to customers who write reviews for websites. 'Human not machine' - ensure this cliché must always apply in your life and others.
This industry can cause you several problems, so you need to remember how you pleased the costumers, superior or even owners, you need to look after yourself, the community needed materials, family, friends, Relax and have fun because you are human not machine