As a restaurant, having a successful social media strategy can be the differentiator between you and your competitors, and if not executed correctly, it can actually turn customers away.
Your restaurant is making one of these social media mistakes? Oh no...
Oct 29, 2019 1:09:00 PM / by Marta Fabiani posted in Hospitality Influencers, Social Media, Hospitality Social Media Consultant
Your restaurant MUST avoid these 5 social media techniques!
Sep 27, 2019 7:01:58 PM / by Milica Raicevic posted in Hospitality Influencers, Social Media, Hospitality Social Media Consultant
Nowadays, numerous restaurants are trying to promote their business to build a network of loyal followers and hopefully, customers. Most of the strategies are done in the same way, and the same conversations are used to reach the same group of people.
Social media – a game changer for your restaurant?
Sep 9, 2019 10:31:26 AM / by Milica Raicevic posted in Hospitality Influencers, Social Media, Hospitality Social Media Consultant
A growing follower number means growing a brand's reach on social networks; however, more followers doesn't always mean more success.
4 ways to improve your social media strategy
Aug 30, 2019 1:29:08 PM / by Milica Raicevic posted in Hospitality Influencers, Social Media, Hospitality Social Media Consultant
There are certain aspects of social media which are, in my opinion, crucial to bear in mind for anyone starting their career in social media and planning their social media strategy. Undoubtedly, the list could be extended, but these are fundamental and a good base to start with during the execution of a strategy.
Why 'customer-centric' social media posting is key
Dec 1, 2018 9:42:05 PM / by Lucy Willman posted in Hospitality Influencers, Social Media, Hospitality Social Media Consultant
The key word for me when building social media followers is 'quality'. So often with this challenge, another 'q' word is used...'quick'. Unfortunately, with social media followers, the two words are not always synonymous.
How to become a hospitality blogger
Nov 22, 2018 11:07:15 AM / by Rosemary Guthrie posted in Hospitality Influencers, Career Advice, Hospitality Social Media Consultant

If you’re just starting out as a blogger or an influencer, I’d encourage you to think about the quality and relevance of what you’re writing;
How to succeed in hospitality marketing [3 tips]
Nov 21, 2018 4:26:36 PM / by Lucy Willman posted in Hospitality Influencers, Career Advice, Hospitality Social Media Consultant
I landed my first job in marketing because I pulled a good pint.
I was working in a pub during University holidays and met a marketing agency owner called Jason. After a couple of chats, I plucked up the courage to ask Jason for some work experience. He agreed and within a matter of weeks I was managing a Guitar Hero pop up at Bestival festival...pretty cool.