Having a great team in the kitchen is really important in our line of work. I believe that building a great team itself is a team effort.

1. Work well together
To work well together, you need to gel together. My time in the military has taught me that no matter what is happening, if the team is working well together, then you'll get the job done. It helps massively if everyone in your team gets on with one another. If there is one person that is not pulling their weight or causing friction between everyone, then cracks will start to appear.
2. Leadership
Leadership is essential when building a team. I am a big believer in leading by example. Don't tell people to do something you wouldn't do, and muck in with your team when you can. Doing that will earn respect from your team. Also treat them well, if your team doesn't trust or like their leader, then they're less likely to work for them.
3. Team bonding
Team bonding days out should be a big part of building a team. In the military, we went on them often. Team bonding days could be anything from go-karting to paintballing etc. It doesn't even have to be a day out, maybe just a few drinks together at the end of a service.
4. Everyone must know their role
Make sure everyone in your team knows their role inside and out. When your service on a Saturday night starts ramping up and getting busy, you need your team to what they need to be doing when the tickets are getting called out.
5. Support for your weakest members
Your team is only as strong as your weakest member. What you don't want to do though is start singling them out. Get your team to rally round and support them, push them in the right direction.
6. Continually nurture your team
Finally nurture our team, teach them what you know and build them up. Take them under your wing. Give them more responsibility as they grow, the better they become, the better your team will be. They'll also feel valued.