Diners basing their restaurant choices on sustainability is such a huge question right now, and it is easy to rush to the wrong conclusions.
Lou Webster

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Sustainable restaurant changes - why aren't you doing your research?!
Oct 3, 2019 9:36:37 PM / by Lou Webster posted in Restaurant Sustainability, Hospitality Influencers, Hospitality Consultant
7 effective employee retention strategies you have to try!
Sep 9, 2019 8:49:59 AM / by Lou Webster posted in Hospitality Influencers, Hospitality Consultant, Staff Retention
In a time where competition is high, and opportunities are plentiful, companies and managers need to offer more than 'just a job' to retain staff.
From marketing to a coffee professional - my hospitality journey
Jul 31, 2019 9:59:40 PM / by Lou Webster posted in Hospitality Influencers, Hospitality Consultant, Career Advice
I have enjoyed an exciting and fast-paced journey in my hospitality career, having worked in the Coffee Industry for just a little over 5 years. When I first started working in a coffee house in Vancouver, Canada, I did so because I was looking for a job that would allow me to get to know local residents and insert myself fully into Canadian life, and not one that could offer me a fantastic stepping stone into a new and exciting career.