Customer service is the most crucial ingredient in a dining experience. It is very easy to give a good customer service, but at the same time, it can be very difficult to deliver it consistently.
Your team's happiness is the strongest element to achieve this consistency; you can set as many expectations as you like, you can coach, manage performance and offer incentives, but if your team is not happy to be at work you will not achieve your desired results.
And, how do you make your team happy?
Let's start from the basics: treat them with respect, let them know of their rotas with as much notice as possible, pay them well and on time. Is this all? Unfortunately not.
You want to engage with your team, give them ownership for their work, their venues and their customers by taking in consideration their opinion, asking them for advice and hold them accountable for both the good and the bad stuff. Create an atmosphere of fun and grow their knowledge without patronising them. Only by creating a good, strong, happy team your customers will experience the same happiness and joy to be in your restaurant.