I struggled with this topic, and how to put into words such a vast and ever-growing discussion. So I turned to Greta. As in Thunberg. The young woman making a lot of noise about the way previous generations have turned a blind eye or not done enough to save our beloved planet. I first came across her in a video post she did and was moved by her words relating to the subject, but more so was inspired by the way she so eloquently yet forcefully makes her point. She is half my age.
As an industry, we have been moving forward with sustainable development for a long time now. Tackling issues such as fair trade, using local suppliers, and keeping our energy bills low, even if to balance off the P&L reports if nothing else. Moving forward for us is as natural as the crops we grow, it is not a subject that we can shamefully admit we are behind on.
Going deeper, there are a whole host of new businesses out there that have built their USP’s around sustainability. While there are always some more prominent business players to counterbalance that, I am proud of the efforts our industry is making as a whole. Greta’s main focus seems to be on education. Enlightenment to the elders where it was not there previously. Empowering movements such as Extinction Rebellion fighting (albeit peacefully) for the education of the issue. I do not believe we are genuinely trying to sabotage our planet, but we definitely could do with some direct pointers on the matter. Easy to implement changes we can make, in the establishments we know best.
Consider holding a company/business-wide brainstorming. Let people bring their ideas and thoughts to the table and see where it gets you. You will be surprised by the amount of support and traction it receives. And if nothing else comes of it other than switching off more lights, you may have switched a light on in someone. And that’s worth it, right?
Greta Thunberg is SAVING the planet - and so can YOU.
Oct 31, 2019 11:28:50 PM / by Danielle Neve
Topics: sustainability, Hospitality Influencers, Hospitality Consultant