Client satisfaction in our business is absolutely vital and the common discussion amongst us as sales professionals is the term ‘never losing your tail’, quite simply meaning, never losing sight of what you’ve got.
Client satisfaction is achieved in our business through various areas including company culture, tailored support, regular system checks, consistent training and innovative NPD and technological advances.
Company culture
We’ve ingrained a culture amongst not only our sales team but our technical engineers and office staff that client satisfaction is paramount. Should clients have any issues with our products or equipment then there are standardised checks in place which any member of staff can address. Thereafter we’ve got clear reporting procedures to ensure the matter is escalated and dealt with by the most proficient and relevant member of our team.
We also try to ingrain a culture of relationship development. It’s all too easy to hide behind emails, text messages and social media these days. We still believe the best way to develop relationships is through face to face meetings and much prefer phone calls to emails.
Tailored support
What satisfies one client doesn’t satisfy another, people buy off various factors including price, service, quality, variety, availability and many other areas. To tailor the way you deal with customers is important because if you misread what a customer wants and try to sell to the wrong need, you risk alienating them.
An area we find consistent amongst all customers however is clear, concise communication. By communicating clearly with your customer, we find you’re easily able to manage expectations and alleviate any concerns that they’re more likely to raise. We’ve recently implemented new communication procedures to confirm installation dates with venues, it’s a small step we’ve taken but the impact it’s had to maintain that relationship and manage expectations has been significant.
Tailored support also covers the way we interact with customers. We deal with a vast array of individuals who all have their own needs and priorities, we want to continually develop relationships with our clients and with so many individuals that can range from the best corporate hospitality our industry can offer, right through to simply buying them a coffee over a chat.
Regular system checks
As well as cocktail liqueurs and syrups, we supply dispense soft drinks equipment and products, and therefore we understand that sometimes, things go wrong with the kit. We alleviate these issues by regularly servicing the equipment, a standard procedure in our business which we’ve never seen replicated on such regularity! This not only ensures continuity of supply but improves the overall quality of our products and acts as an ongoing preventative measure.
Consistent training
We never rest when it comes to training our team in client satisfaction. We’re constantly updating our knowledge of our dispense equipment, knowledge of our market, our customers, our procedures and our sales processes. We meet bi-monthly as a team to discuss any issues we’ve had and come up with genuine, pro-active solutions to problems. We also ensure regular training is carried out to improve product and market knowledge throughout the business.
Innovative NDP and technological advances
In an industry which is so fast moving, consumers are always looking for the next trend or the next advancement in technology. It’s a constant cycle within our business of improving our dispense equipment wherever possible, improving our procedures and launching value products, on trend, which are of genuine interest to a wide range of customer.
By understanding what your customer wants and by understanding the daily challenges they face, not only can you have empathy with a customer but you can develop a product or service which really hits the nail on the head when it comes to satisfying a clients need.